2023 Poster PresentationS

P01: Full Kinetic Characterization of a WT1 Specific TCRm, Presented by Stefan K., BioCopy GmbH

P02: Proteochemometrics Study on Metalloprotein Families Using GNN Models and Prediction of New Metallo-ß-Lactamase NDM-1 Inhibitors, Presented by Long-Hung P., Imperial College London

P03: Advancing Nano and Biomaterial Characterization with Machine Learning, Presented by Robert T., Malvern Panalytical

P04: Accelerating Drug Development with Advanced Semantic Technologies: A Case Study in Clinical Trial Design, Presented by Martin R., ONTOFORCE

P05: Optimization of Metrics Using DMAIC, Presented by Georgiana D., Pfizer

P06: Dual Annealing: A Promising Novel Global Optimization Method in the Systems Biology and Epidemiology Modeling, Presented by Yang X., Philip Morris International

P07: A Quality Framework for Data Management, Presented by Antonella P., Shella Consulting

P08: Antigen-Specific Antibody Design: Preliminary Progress, Presented by ChuNan L., University College London

P09: Using DeepPROTACs Model with Optimized Data Extraction and a New Feature to Predict Targeted Degradation of Proteins, Presented by Yang H., University of Liverpool

P10: COSMIC (Catalogue Of Somatic Mutations in Cancer) and Role in Precision Medicine, Presented by Jonathan T., Wellcome Sanger Institute

P11: Current Methods for Drug Property Prediction in the Real World, Presented by Ryan G., DeepMirror Ltd.





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